Hack The Box solution: Delivery ~

Home page


First, we use:

nmap -sCV

to find open ports in the machine.


When accessing the page, we see two links:


Then, I think about Virtual hosting and edit file /etc/hosts.	delivery.htb helpdesk.delivery.htb

Go to these two sites.






Try to open a new ticket.

Open a New Ticket

We have an email here which we will use to create an account in Mattermost.

After registration

A verify email have been sent, we will check our ticket status.

View Ticket Thread

Then we receive an email with an activation link, access this link.

Email Verified

Now we can login to Mattermost.

After login
Internal Team

After login, we can see a message with a credential from @root user. This is use to connect to the server and port 22 is open, so we try to connect.

ssh maildeliverer@

And we get user.txt.

Privilege Escalation

We will find a credential in /opt/mattermost/config/config.json.


This is used to connect to MySQL database, connect to db with:

mysql -u mmuser -D mattermost -p

Enumerate the db:

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database();
All tables
select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='Users';
Columns in Users
select Username, Password, Roles from Users;
All users

Then we have root‘s password, but it is hashed in Blowfish.

Try to crack the password with hashcat. In hashcat, Blowfish is hash mode 3200.

In Internal Team, beside a credential of maildeliverer, @root provide us another hint.

Also please create a program to help us stop re-using the same passwords everywhere…. Especially those that are a variant of “PleaseSubscribe!”

So, we will use a wordlist contain “PleaseSubscribe!”.

sudo ./hashcat.bin -a 0 -m 3200 hash.txt wordlist.txt

After getting the password, we access to root’s shell and get the flag.

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